Online support groups

Please join the Low Grade Support Group Facebook page. This is a closed group for low-grade patients and their families.  Apply to join the group and you will be contacted via messenger by the administrator, Linda.  Please ensure your Facebook settings are suitable for you to be reached in this way.

The online groups listed below are NOT run or endorsed by us, but are listed here for your convenience.  Most are Facebook Groups.  Often these groups provide an invaluable source of support and information. Many people are members of more than one group, none require exclusive membership, and all are free to join. If you know of more which should be added, please let us know.


The Brain Tumour Charity Facebook
This support group is for parents whose child has been diagnosed with a brain tumour, to provide a safe online space where you can connect with other parents who have a child or young person, affected by a brain tumour and so know what you are going through.

Pediatric brain tumour support for parents
This page was set up to support parents or caregivers of children with brain tumors or brain cancer . To share experiences what helps what doesn’t where to find the right doctors and how to find better treatment. How to deal with children that battled brain tumors .

Pediatric Low Grade Glioma
The Pediatric Low-Grade Glioma Group is a Closed Facebook Group intended to support families with children with low-grade gliomas.


Adult ependymoma mailing list  
An on-line support group for adult ependymoma patients, caregivers and relatives

Brain Tumor Support Group
Support for those with brain tumors and their families

Brainstrust is a UK wide brain tumour charity and a community, which helps thousands of people who are affected by a brain tumour diagnosis. Whether you have a specific question or want help to create a long term programme of care, you’ll quickly get expert advice. Not just from us, but from those in the know – and that’s you!

The Brain Tumour Charity Support Groups
TBTC brain tumour support groups offer a safe online space where you can connect with others who know what you’re going through.

McMillan Cancer Support Low Grade online Community
Low-grade (grade 1 or 2) brain tumours are slow-growing and less likely to spread. If you’re suffering from a low-grade brain tumour, or know someone who is, join this support group.

Oligodendroglioma/Low-Grade Glioma Warriors
A place where patients, family, and friends can discuss new advancements and treatment/disease related issues distinct to our conditions and support one another on this journey. All are welcome.